Definitions and Hashtags

So I am writing this because I don’t understand but the hash tags that end in #….porn like food-porn; cloud-porn bike-porn etc. Why would we associate something that is obviously not helpful to our world with things that give us such joy? I mean food and clouds and bikes and homes. Just saying – I really don’t understand where the Hash tag came from but even less so the association of these wonderful events and the horrible world.
If someone wants to explain it to me, please do? I am not saying this for controversy but because I genuinely don’t understand. Maybe you also have some thoughts on this.

So with this definition from I understand a little more,

television shows, articles, photographs, etc., thought to cater to an excessive, irresistible desire for or interest in something:a magazine filled with enticing food porn; an addiction to real-estate porn

but it still makes me skip a photo on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter….. Have i got it completely wrong or is it because I have worked with those involved in the Commercial Sexual exploitation for years that this has now affected me?

I am aware that for the last 12 years of my life having worked with those who are paid to act out the horrible scenes of porn and having read so many articles and books and spoken to many victims that this is a real horrible thing.

recently 50 shades of Gray has made again “porn” a mainstream issue and whether you agree or not that it is or not “mummy porn” doesn’t mean that it’s always a good thing.

I love my language and I particularly love words that are used properly but I am also aware of the way that language has developed. I remember returning from Italy and “bad” meaning something was good. Has that happened with the word “porn”? maybe I am getting old (well I am) but I still don’t understand how this can be okay in the long run. I am not a prude in any way at all, but I do believe in watching what I am saying.

Please tell me what you think. Tell if I have got it all wrong. tell me if I am talking “twaddle” ( fabulous word not used enough in my opinion) . Tell me what you think I should hear or know.

You see I think this can only go the wrong way (as far as I can see, it hasn’t happened yet) but one day the hash tag will be used and life will get even messier in the Social Media world. I can see it know, a photo of your local church with the hash tag #ChurchPorn . Maybe I am pushing it a bit far.

anyway happy #Hashtag day