Not Speaking out


Maybe we’ll say “I’m not racist” but today I would like to talk about passive racism. Racism exists because we do not say anything.

What is racism?

One definition is: Each trend, psychological or political likely to rise to theory or be justified by the law, which, based on the alleged superiority of one race over the other or another, encourage or cause social discrimination or even genocide.

In the Bible we read, “There is neither Jew nor  Greek; there is neither slave nor free; there is neither male nor female; because you are all one in Christ Jesus. “Galatians 3:28

In no part of the Bible, we read that God has chosen a person because they come from a special race.

Today, we must think more than ever, that defining people by where they come from is wrong and we cannot remain silent. Passive racism is simply when we do not talk and we remain silent.

Today we look at how to crack racism and the lesson we see in a simple sentence from the Bible.

Being a believer means being present and active in our community and fighting injustice wherever we are. To challenge those around us.

21 years ago before coming to Italy, people were talking about the country of pizza, pasta, ice cream and the Mafia. I can tell you that now I fight saying that Italy is pizza, pasta, ice cream, mafia and much more. Being passive and denying the richness of Italy put me in the shoes of a racist.

Our Bible reading from Acts chapter 10, reminds us that we have to include people, we cannot exclude people from the body because of the nation they represent.

We are called to destroy the walls and barriers that the world constructs and speak out.

Maybe you would say that this is not of the church, but for the politicians, my answer is that it “is for every citizen …” Racism is against the law of the country and also against God.

  • Scripture and Racism or Inclusion
  • My answer

Scripture: Acts 10: 34,35   Then Peter began to speak  he said, “In truth I perceive that God does not show partiality,   35   But in every nation whoever fears him and works righteousness is acceptable.

These two verses are found in the midst of Peter’s speech.  Cornelius undoubtedly had a true faith in the Word of God, as far as he understood, though not yet clear, faith in Christ.    The gentile/judaizing controversy is more about circumcision than baptism and rumbles on through Acts 15 and several passages of Paul. What Peter realises through this encounter is that God is drawing all kinds of people to Himself. Jesus had promised the gospel would go to the ends of the earth in Matt 28. Now fulfilled. But Christianity won’t emerge from being a Jewish sect for a while yet, and both sides will live with the tensions. Peter’s “gentile Pentecost” is foreshadowed by Acts 2 and the giving of the Spirit on all people. It is the great Babel reversal: people who were divided by language when they thought themselves greater than God are united in common understanding when they fall under the Power and influence of the Spirit. The Risen and returned Christ unites all the nations in Rev 7.

Thus, a change in the people of God begins. In Galatians 2: 6, Paul repeats the phrase “…. God has no personal regard” to a people reputed to be converted from pagan religion. To make it understand that racism or favoritism has no place in the kingdom of God and his people. It’s very easy to say, but the message does not belong to us. Paul also repeated the phrase in Romans 2:11. To make sense that the reputation or culture of doing things does not count with God, what counts is experience with God.

In Leviticus 19:15, we see and read, “Do not commit iniquity in judgment; you will not regard the person of the poor, nor will you pay a special honor to the person of the mighty; but you will judge your neighbor with justice “

In racism, poverty often belongs, unfortunately, to a caste. Discrimination, as in India, people coming from various parts of the country are poor and maybe as we are today watching the Roma people. Racism can be influenced by the culture or class of a person.

The boundaries of culture, country or ethnicity cannot deny access to a person to the Kingdom of God. Often, a barrier is placed in front of people not having access to the programs, but through Christ blood on the cross all over the world, the barriers are removed.

Racism is not only in the action we do when we do or say something. Racism is often in silence.

Racism and me:

A personal story; For so many years I grew up with a slight dislike for the people and the country of America. A bit like my dad with the Germans and French after World War II. At some point, I met the Americans, we became friends, I went to America and even celebrated her wedding to her husband. That woman is one of the most important friends for me, she’s like a sister. Knowing her family, I had to ask for forgiveness from God for my silent racism towards Americans. Now God has given me so many American friends and I love them lots.

Ecclesiastes 3: 7 reminds us that there is a time to be silent and a time to speak. Returning to the Galatians 2: 6, people expect us to say something as a leader, and remaining silent our testimony will never bring anyone into the kingdom of God. It does not mean, talk and criticize, but to explain and dialogue with love. as we read, for example, in Ephesians 4:15, but the truth in love, may grow up in every way into him who is the head, even Christ. “  In love by showing the world the work of the devil. As Paul reminds us in the same book to be imitators of God walking  in the light (Ephesians 5: 1).

We need to talk and admit that we are different in the world, Peter denied Jesus three times with the cockerel crowing. Peter knew of the sorrow of Jesus by denying and remaining in silence. The sorrow that we bring to God when we don’t challenge racism is a rotten witness only helping to build barriers in our communities and the world we live in. We should be known as something different. People waited for Peter to be different. In his silence, he did not show himself to be a follower of Jesus, set apart. If we aren’t careful we will resemble the Pharisees, unless we do and say something different. Living the gospel even in uncomfortable moments.


Having the courage to talk about the racism we see every day on TV, in our communities, at school, in the supermarket, we share the hope we have. The hope of 1 Peter 3: 13-15 ” Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats[b]; do not be frightened.”[c] 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. During the story of the Good Samaritan, we see that all of them passed by, but not the Samaritan.  *** The Samaritan, the despised outsider, crosses the divide that the religious professionals are not prepared to cross. ***

Unfortunately, we often go and say nothing but a “Samaritan” will do something. Not speaking we perpetuate an expectation that the world is waiting for. Let’s become the people we are called to be and be active for God and not passive in our actions and words.

am i a justice seeker

yesterday on the fabulous The Match Factory – Justice Seekers blog Nick Coke presented some challenges to me and all fellow Justice seekers. Today I decided to take some time to look at them. and ponder upon them a bit.

here are my thoughts.

  1. Present: justice-seekers understand there is no justice to be done from a distance. there are far too many people who stand up and speak and shout from a soap box about the injustices in the world. if we are not present and involved regularly, how can we ever become a voice for the voiceless. Theory is easy but I know that when I sat down with a woman forced into prostitution that I saw a woman and not a statistic. one of my favourite days of the week is Tuesday – it means I will meet the people I write about and read about each day in the office.
  2. Migrants: All are migrants, wanderers through life. JRR Tolkien famously said, “that all who wander are not lost”. I am a migrant of God’s choosing. I am a foreigner in this land and as Scripture says this world. I wander dreaming of a better world. I want to see the end of Human Trafficking and Slavery. I want to walk alongside and talk as Jesus did with people. My home is not based on my location; it based on where God calls me.
  3. Contemplative: justice-seekers know more than anyone that activism is futile without contemplation, prayer and Biblical reflection.  With contemplation the activist fixes their eyes on Jesus – ‘the author and perfecter of our faith’. ah yes, and this is maybe the hardest for me in some ways because it requires me to sit still and read and learn. But it also reminds me of the need to know why I do what I do. The need to step up to the plate and get on with it. The need to “Be Jesus in my community and not just Do Jesus”. The need to not go where Angels fear to tread but to only go where I believe I am called to be. if you go to this blog entry of mine, it was through prayer and contemplation I learnt something: Learning why…… it’s here that I needed to learn when to go forward and when not too.
  4. Prophetic: the justice-seeker has eyes to see an alternative future to the present reality. I have never seen myself as a prophet or prophetic. recently though I have identified in myself the fact that I always seem to search for the gaps in ministry in the place I am and go for that. Looking back I can see it clearly over the last 23 years of ministry. Looking back I realise that actually it may not have seemed prophetic but it probably was.
  5. Kingdom-minded: although never naive of the world as it is, justice-seekers will have a vision of the world as it should be – the kingdom of God established ‘on earth as it is heaven’ here I would like to add the old sentiment, but not “so heavenly minded the individual is of no earthly use” . i want to see the kingdom of God here in my community. I want to see the name of Jesus spoken in faith and praise and not as a swear word. I want to see an upside down world to the one we have now, the one that God saw when all men have enough to eat, to drink. The possibility of education and fairness. i want that we ‘fast’ for the naked to be clothed and the hungry to be fed, the lost to find direction and that each day will be a day of Jubilee.

at this point I would add a no.6 to the list: Crazy & Courageous. For me there is a need for us to be a little bit crazy, to not fit the mold and definitely to be courageous. It is in those moments that we see change and developments. Because the crazy and courageous don’t think of self. They deny themselves and take up their crosses and follow where God leads.

Thanks Match Factory for the provocation of my thoughts and yes I am proud to be a Justice Seeker.